Energy Magick | Mystery School

Energy Magick | Mystery School

Energy Magick | Mystery School

Beyond personal training.

I’m not a conventional Personal Trainer, nor have I ever been.

Which is why (humble brag) I always have clients and,

They find me… most of the time.

Through source, word of mouth and the electro magnetic power of desire and intention.

The women I work with are smart, tech savvy and successful so they’ve tried almost everything and still:

✔️ Feel pain + discomfort in their bodies when they move.

✔️ Have control over every aspect in their life but can’t seem to control what goes in their mouth (you’re not alone and there’s a good reason for this).

✔️ Are exhausted and burned out from hustle culture. My clients are over it and beginning to feel rebellious.

Mine is a “blue ocean” strategy when it comes to personal training because, I don’t have competition for my offer.

Magick is using Science + Art to create change through:

✔️ Thoughts

✔️ Words

✔️ Actions

Simple, yet - not easy because… consistency and persistence are what create change and most people get distracted or give up before they cross the finish line.

💡What if you had a 49 Day, 7 step process to turn on your magick and transform your body, then your life?

💡 What if you could access streaming classes by world class, out of the box, over the top mystics as well as scientists… 24/7 on the world’s leading streaming platform?

💡 What if you had a custom meal plan that felt exciting and nourishing?

💡 And, what if you had 24/7 Whatsapp text support so there was no way you aren’t getting over the finish line?

For the past 10 years I’ve been deep in developing and studying a unique way for a woman to move from the inside out.

So you feel safe, supported and… SEXY AF.

The first class, and every class after - no matter where you’re starting from even if it’s less than ZERO.

I’m about to hook you up with 3 mystical road maps to understand who you are and what you need to thrive:

✅ Numerology

✅ Astrology

✅ Human Design

I’m going to send you an AIR BAR and connect you with a 6 month membership to our digital studio AIR BAR CLUB with 5 class styles:

✅ Breathe

✅ Stretch

✅ Sculpt

✅ Strength

✅ Sweat

And, I’m going to walk with you through the door into the next chapter of your life.

I’ll show you how to create momentum out of chaos and master your emotions through simple, 3 minute Breathwork Meditations.

Energy Magick | Mystery School is now OPEN and doors will close at the end of the week April 14th.

There are 6 spots available and it’s first come-first to epic transformation.

Find the link in profile, in stories or reach out direct to dive deeper.

Love you, welcome to New Earth Warriors.

Let’s rise. ☯️


- 6 Month Membership to AIR BAR CLUB
- 7 Private Sessions w/ Kiya
- 5 Custom Movement Programs: Breathe, Stretch, Sculpt, Strength & Sweat
- AIR BAR Mailed to you
- 7 Online Modules you can access 24/7
- Astrological Birth Chart
- Numerology Report
- Human Design

Energy Magick | Mystery School
  • Energy Worker - Online Course + Mentorship with Kiya Knight

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  • Deep, Dynamic Mobility COOL DOWN

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  • Throat Chakra (5)

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  • Crown Chakra (7)

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  • Root Chakra (1)

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  • 3rd Eye Chakra (6)

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  • Heart Chakra (4)

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  • Sacral Chakra (2)

    How are your relationships going? Want to call in high vibe humans like you who treat you with dignity + respect? 3 minutes a day can clear energy blocks in the 2nd chakra and help you attract a new crew.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra (3)

    Your Sacral Chakra (Energy Center) vibrates to the frequency of YELLOW and is located at your Solar Plexus right below your ribs. How easily do you get what you want + need in life? Now you can take command of your energy and get what you really deserve.

  • Energy Worker Welcome Packet

    18.8 MB


    1.84 MB

  • 10 + 1 Bodies.pdf

    8.16 MB

  • MIND.pdf

    18.4 MB

  • Energy Anatomy.pdf

    39.5 MB

  • Nourish Workbook.pdf

    94.4 MB

  • SOUND.pdf

    23.2 MB

  • MOVE.pdf

    2.17 MB


    15.3 MB

  • Energy Magick | Mystery School

    Welcome dear soul,

    It's time to drop into class and experience the sensations.

    Details Here:

    Breathe, sculpt, strengthen, stretch and sweat as you redefine your Human Nature.

    Leave your comments below so we know how this 39 minute journey get for you!